highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence

The BIG Feelings

Learn the 101 of how feelings work so that you can turn your soul-sucking emotional roller coaster into your life-giving power source!

I'm ready!
highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

Learn about:

  • WHY your feelings often go sideways, dragging you into an Emotional Vortex

  • How you can transform this soul-sucking vicious cycle of feelings into a life-giving virtuous one! (Psst…it’s just ONE quick change!!)

  • How to FREE your time, energy, and headspace and move closer to building your ideal life!

With this ONE hour masterclass available 24/7, spare yourself 100+ hours of headache & heartache & $1,000+ of what you would have spent on emotional damage control!

On-demand, immediate access for only $47!

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highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath
  • You have LOTSA feelings that get stirred up on a dime

  • ONE feeling snowballs into a THOUSAND others at the WORST. TIMES. EVER. (like at a meeting or on a date.)

  • You distract yourself with work, food, or Netflix shows only to find that your feelings are still there (WTFH!!!)

  • You’re sick of feeling like a hot mess of feelings but have no clue how to be otherwise

  • You’ve been told you’re too much, too sensitive, too emotional — but deep down you know your feelings MATTER. (Yes, they do!!)

Sound like you?

If so, this masterclass could help you GET OUT (and STAY OUT!) of the messy Emotional Vortex so you can finally breathe more easily!

highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

Hiya, I’m Joanne, aka

the Feelings Translator.

I spent my kid & teen years flailing through my own BIG feelings while trying to keep my shit together so that EVERYONE ELSE feels better.

Each stuffed feeling fed into an EMOTIONAL VORTEX that made my life + relationships a living hell. ONE small event or hiccup could pull me (+everyone nearby) into a sticky mess of god-knows-what-feelings.

Fast forward three decades (+ SO MANY therapy sessions) - my RBF (Resting Bitch Face) is a thing of the past.

I’m super thankful for therapy (+ am a therapist myself), but I wish I had learned the secret to harnessing my feelings sooner

When I shared my signature system w/my clients, their average therapy was CUT from…

(1/4 of the time)!

Now, I wear my well-earned dimples proudly and tell all BIG Feelers out there just how LIFE-GIVING our feelings are:

Befriending your feelings turns your life around!

Here’s what other BIG Feelers say:

highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

You’ll learn how to:

Identify Your Emotional Vortex:

You can’t change what you don’t know is already happening…so it’s time to find out what’s really going on with your feelings!

Stop Your Vortex Early:

Interrupt your emotional buildup with one easy step! (It really is that simple!)

Free Yourself from Reactive Living:

Eliminate the emotional domino effect that keeps you stuck in impulsive, costly decisions!

Free Yourself for Proactive Living:

Design the kind of life & relationships you want, and actually make ‘em happen WITH (not against) your feelings!!

highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

Wait-There’s more!

You’ll also walk away with my
What Do I Do When I Feel…?” Chart that describes:

  1. What each BIG 5 Feeling MEANS

  2. What you NEED when each feeling shows up

  3. What you can DO to care of yourself

Keep this guide in your pocket!

I'm ready!

 You might be thinking...

“What if I’m just always gonna be too freakin’ emotional??”

You know…I used to believe the same thing. So did hundreds of others who reached out to me for help. This is totally a normal concern!

If you told younger me that I’d be where I am now with my emotions, I wouldn’t have believed you. Having learned the secrets to feelings, I feel so secure, steady, and whole and my relationships are so much richer.

Life just feels more in FLOW not DESPITE my feelings, but precisely BECAUSE of them.

If I were an exception to the rule, I wouldn’t bother wasting your time. It’s only because countless other people have also experienced the same kinda freedom and joy that I want to invite you to see for yourself what life is like beyond your Emotional Vortex!

This masterclass is a compact summary of all I’ve learned from working with so many people just like you & me.

Don’t let your Emotional Vortex take up any more time, energy, and space!

Learn the one small step to turn that into your biggest source of energy!

highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath
highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

Move forward with building your dream life with these available anytime, anywhere!

Time to revamp your life!

I'm ready!